Let in the Light

Design for Newcastle General Hospital Chapel, 1979, Evetts (Leonard) Archive, Newcastle University Special Collections GB186.

Design for Newcastle General Hospital Chapel, 1979, Evetts (Leonard) Archive, Newcastle University Special Collections GB186.

Have a go at making your own stained glass window!

You will need: 

  • A sheet of A4 black card 
  • Tissue paper (various colours) 
  • A pair of scissors (or a craft knife) 
  • A glue stick 
  • A pencil 


  • Use the pencil to draw the outline shape of your window onto the piece of card. It should take up the whole piece of card. 
  • Draw the design of your window onto the card.  
  • Use the scissors or craft knife to cut out the pattern. Take care when using scissors or knives. If you are using a craft knife, make sure you have something underneath the card to protect the table. 
  • Cut up the tissue paper into the appropriate shapes and sizes to fit on the different sections of your window. 
  • Use the glue stick to stick the coloured tissue paper onto the window frame. For best results, apply the glue to the frame rather than the tissue paper. 
  • When you have no gaps remaining, hold up your window to the light and admire your finished masterpiece! 

This activity was inspired by the stained glass window designs held in our Special Collections. The designs were created by the artist and designer Leonard Evetts (1909-1997). 

Evetts believed windows should ‘let the light in’ and disliked the dark effect of the traditional Victorian windows found in many English churches. 

If you would like to learn more about Leonard Evetts and his work designing stained glass windows, click on the image below.

Window design, Church of Our Lady and Saint Oswain, Tynemouth, 1994, Evetts (Leonard) Archive, Newcastle University Special Collections GB186.

Window design, Church of Our Lady and Saint Oswain, Tynemouth, 1994, Evetts (Leonard) Archive, Newcastle University Special Collections GB186.

Proposed Figure of Christ in Majesty, St Bede’s Church, Town End Farm Estate, Sunderland, 1968, Evetts (Leonard) Archive, Newcastle University Special Collections GB186.

Proposed Figure of Christ in Majesty, St Bede’s Church, Town End Farm Estate, Sunderland, 1968, Evetts (Leonard) Archive, Newcastle University Special Collections GB186.

Design for Newcastle General Hospital Chapel, 1979, Evetts (Leonard) Archive, Newcastle University Special Collections GB186.

Design for Newcastle General Hospital Chapel, 1979, Evetts (Leonard) Archive, Newcastle University Special Collections GB186.

Proposed design for a Memorial Window to Lieut. Hugh Walton-Wilson, Church of St John, Snod’s Edge, Northumberland, circa 1939, Evetts (Leonard) Archive, Newcastle University Special Collections GB186.

Proposed design for a Memorial Window to Lieut. Hugh Walton-Wilson, Church of St John, Snod’s Edge, Northumberland, circa 1939, Evetts (Leonard) Archive, Newcastle University Special Collections GB186.